CUVINTE Carina Cozminschi
Science is still debating whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While we’re waiting, Sorina Fredholm made sure it will be the tastiest meal of the day, with this overnight oats recipe that acts just as well as a healthy dessert.
What she says: This might be the best breakfast / healthy dessert you’ve ever had. It makes for the perfect busy morning meal because you can prep it the night before and just let it get magically done overnight. My recommendation is you make 4 portions and enjoy a healthy and tasty breakfast throughout the week.
Cacao Peanut Parfait / Maca Pistachio Parfait
Ingredients for 1 jar (40 cl)
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp oats
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp peanut butter / pistachio butter
1 tsp raw cacao / maca powder
1 date (pitted & cut)
250 ml cashew milk
Add all ingredients in a jar. Mix well until all ingredients are nicely combined. Top with cashew yogurt, berries, granola, dark/white chocolate, and extra nut butter.
Refrigerate overnight and enjoy it the next morning.

Together with local creatives we invite you to slow down this Holiday season, in a series of crafty workshops and inspiring talks.
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